Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Farewell Party Crew a.k.a. FPC

Everybody in this world needs at least 1 friend, right? And I'm gifted with a group of crazy funny lovable unforgettable insanely spectacular friends, fortunately. Like people say, you'll never know how precious the thing you have, until you lose it. It happened to me. These crazy funny lovable unforgettable insanely spectacular friends have been spending their lives, eating lollipops, skipping classes, and going through stuffs with me for 3 freakin years. Maybe some of you think, it was not a very long time to get to know people. But the fact is we could. They understood me more than I understand myself. Although it sounds weird and extremely strange, they did teach me so many lessons. They made me realize how short this life is to lock yourself in your bedroom and hug your bolster all day long. They taught me how to have fun either by throwing some BBQ parties or hanging out at the mall. They also taught me about togetherness, friendliness, and do not forget the most important lesson of all, craziness. They brought out the best in me. They're my best of the best friends. Need proofs? Well, if you insist...

 How cute is this?

 Girls rule!

 My gals

Fantastic 4

 With the most gorgeous @fellz_evelyn

 Can you guess which one is me? 

 "Jika tua nanti, kita tlah hidup masing-masing, ingatlah hari ini" The song we sang :')

 Go FIB!

 With Ica (left) and @reginaclarissa (right)

 Born To Be Somebody =)

 Farewell Party Crew a.k.a. FPC

 These are our beautiful members. LOL.

 With the cutest girl alive @AnneMCJ

 Follow them, Kay? And me!

 SWAAAG. Haha.

 With Cindy, Anne, and Feli, my princesses

 BBQ time

 At @LeoNduTzZ's


 Let's go dine!

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