Saturday, August 04, 2012

Do You Want to Know How It Feels to Be Squeezed In An Elevator? Ask My Brother

I think the title has explained everything. Yeah, that night, that Wednesday night, August 1st, I and my family went to Ace Hardware near our house. Previously, I was confused because my Mom always said no every time I ask her to go to Ace with me. But something whispered in our ears which pulled us to Ace that night. I was thrilled because it's been a long time since I refreshed my mind. When we arrived, I just jumped to the clocks aisle. But, my Dad ran into the elevator, followed by me and my Mom. Turned out, Bimo a.k.a. @BimoKartko and Kevin were still outside the elevator. The doors were slightly closing. Knowing that, Bimo and Kevin stopped and competed to run into the elevator. I know right? It's not something that Einstein would do. Then, the doors were continuously closing until they were just a half meter wide. Kevin inhaled and ran as fast as he could, but you know what happened next. He was squeezed like cheese in a sandwich. It took, as I remember,  almost 5 years for my Dad to click the 'Open The Door' button. Just kidding, if it did take 5 years, Kevin would be as skinny as a toothpick. I gotta admit though, I did enjoy the 5 second show. Damn, I must sound like a very evil sister right now. But, it was hilaaarious. At the end, Kevin did nothing but complaining for the rest of the night.
Sorry for doing this, Kevin. But, I've clicked 'Publish'. LOL.

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